I spent the holidays with relations in Melbourne, Victoria (OZ of course) - a couple of thousand miles from my own home state. During this festive time I suddenly remembered that Melbourne was also the home of a certain individual. So I made a phone call to - (wait for it) JAFO. We spent a very pleasant four of so hours sipping coffee and talking. The many questions/queries I had were answered without referring once to the Dictionary. We covered everything from Wincustomise, Stardock to Motor sport, Work etc. I also saw Paul's great collection of bicycles ranging from the very expensive to own designs, to a little red one (with suspension) he had when a boy.

I found this little session very informative and it gave me a much deeper understanding of the way the site etc. operates and functions. This also included a compulsory history lesson on the origins of Skinning and the laments of a Controller at a GP. The time absolutely flew by, unfortunately other commitments prevented a longer stay otherwise I would still be there. It was most satsifying to be able to talk one on one with another member of this site, instead of by email and/or posts. All I can say in conclusion is I have met the MAN and I intend to repeat the visit when time permits. Any questions ?
on Jan 02, 2004
What a great idea that was to visit him! Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet each other some day? Like at a great big WC gathering. The skinners gallery helped to put some faces to the names here, but meeting in person would be super. Bet ya Jafo enjoyed the visit as much as you did.
on Jan 02, 2004

crissy....yes, I certainly did....

I probably enjoyed it even more than Brian did.  Being in the remote boondocks of Aussie Land means you don't get too many visitors of the skinning variety, and Brian was the third I have met and only seventh I've 'spoken' to [live]....

Looking forward to the next opportunity...

on Jan 02, 2004
Wow! Ande, I'm jealous.

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on Jan 02, 2004
Must have been a blast!! You are extremely lucky to have met with Jafo, live, 1 on 1 I agree with you crissy, it would be a thrill to get to meet everyone here in person!

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on Jan 02, 2004
Hey.....let's be real here....given the choice I'd sooner meet Nicole Kidman, Elle McPherson or Kylie Minogue than some dopey Aussie bloke called Jafo....if it's gonna be an Aussie, make it one of THOSE three....
on Jan 02, 2004
Jafo's an Aussie?!?!
Geez... you learn something new everyday. I guess that's also why they call it the lucky country.

But I guess you're right Jafo, given a choice I think I would much rather meet one of the afore mentioned three.
on Jan 02, 2004
Brilliant thread Ande - i would love to share a "tinny" or two with Jafo one day. Jafo has enlightened me with some of the history of skinning on a couple of occassions and it was a real eye opener to me. I have often looked at some of the skins from the past and marvelled at them - Jesh's link to the winamp skin which was on Honz's goodbye thread earlier this week was a "beaut". Its not just about skins but also how the skinning world has evolved - that interests me. Thats why i have learnt - thanks to people like Brad, Jafo, Boxxi, Koasati and a few others - how and why Wincustomize functions so well and how we all must treasure the values and the rules of the site. Yes, we are going to have to move forward again soon as we have become a victim of our own popularity but the "values" will be the same

Call me a mug.......you can keep Nicole,Kyle and Elle....I'd rather spend a few interesting hours in the company of the guys i have mentioned and throw in a couple of the sites "characters" which are too numerous to mention and i would be in heaven
on Jan 02, 2004
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...nicole,I included her in my pinup calendar,forget which month... A skinners bash would be...interesting to say the least...always wanted to go to australia.
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[Message Edited]
on Jan 03, 2004
Judging by your current desktop risblaque, I doubt if you would be talking skinning with Jafo
on Jan 03, 2004

The truth is, Ande was sent to Australia by the WinCustomize bureau of investigation to check if Jafo was a real person or a bot.

I would like to spend time with Jafo someday, I'm sure we would have lots of things to talk about, and we are a similar age, so it would be a real old fogey's get-together:) .

How about it Paul?......... flights to Oz are quite cheap at the moment.....shall we say.....er.... the week the MotoGP is at Phillip Island? I think I could make it that week....hehehe.

on Jan 03, 2004
A skinners bash would be...interesting to say the least...always wanted to go to australia.

flights to Oz are quite cheap at the moment.....shall we say.....er.... the week the MotoGP is at Phillip Island? I think I could make it that week.

...and I've got the "after bash" venue, where you could all work on your tan's... see the Great Barrier Reef etc.

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on Jan 03, 2004
Sounds that it was a fantastic visit , envy your chance , happy that you got to do it

on Jan 03, 2004
Bryan...gladly, though at P.I. that week you'd be sleeping on the floor with a dozen other bikers....[I get the bed because I'm a worker and am at the track by 6.30 each day]...