I spent the holidays with relations in Melbourne, Victoria (OZ of course) - a couple of thousand miles from my own home state. During this festive time I suddenly remembered that Melbourne was also the home of a certain individual. So I made a phone call to - (wait for it) JAFO. We spent a very pleasant four of so hours sipping coffee and talking. The many questions/queries I had were answered without referring once to the Dictionary. We covered everything from Wincustomise, Stardock to Motor sport, Work etc. I also saw Paul's great collection of bicycles ranging from the very expensive to own designs, to a little red one (with suspension) he had when a boy.
I found this little session very informative and it gave me a much deeper understanding of the way the site etc. operates and functions. This also included a compulsory history lesson on the origins of Skinning and the laments of a Controller at a GP. The time absolutely flew by, unfortunately other commitments prevented a longer stay otherwise I would still be there. It was most satsifying to be able to talk one on one with another member of this site, instead of by email and/or posts. All I can say in conclusion is I have met the MAN and I intend to repeat the visit when time permits. Any questions ?