Published on October 28, 2003 By Ande In WinCustomize Talk
My grandkids are at me to get Incredimail, they love to send and receive wiz bang emails. What I would like know is, it a safe program to install and will it conflict with any of my Wincustomise stuff (I have almost everything). I heard on some grapevine it can cause conflicts. Any advise appreciated
Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 30, 2003
I use Outlook (Not Express) There is a nifty (showing my age) Addon for outlook (again not express) put out by incredimail. It gives you all the functionality of Incredimail, and still have outlook to use. Really is pretty seamless and actually adds alot to Outlooks use

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on Oct 31, 2003
OK I know people want those nifty animated emails that Incredimail can create, however there is that issue of privacy and Outlook Express is a good email client, yet there are zillions of viruses that target it specifically, so I wouldnt(don't) use it.Thunderbird is an excellent free email program, and it will work with webmail..there's an app called Hotopop for Hotmail and YahooPOPs that allow you to send or recieve email for these web based services for free. I prefer PocoMail. I have never used an email program that was so easy and just plain good as this one is. Yeah it costs, I payed about 35 bucks for it, but its worth it.
on Oct 31, 2003
#17 by Citizen digital_k - 10/31/2003 12:57:46 AM

Outlook Express is a good email client, yet there are zillions of viruses that target it specifically,

But not if you use it in conjunction with mailwasher (free proggy)(donation if u want)
I always check my mail with wailwasher first, bounce the spam, then open outlook express.

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on Oct 31, 2003
I have never tried mailwasher..Honestly I am not that big a fan of IE or Outlook..won't get into that as it is off topic....Incredimal is a good app, its just the tiny spyware issue with it.
on Nov 01, 2003
Hum, that Outlook add-on is rather nifty. Thanks crazyharvey!
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